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Mount Pearl Open (2024)

The Mount Pearl Open - Tournament of the TNL Open Series for players from the public.

Registration for the Mount Pearl Open is now available on the Tennis Canada website.  We have lots of exciting events this year for people of all ages and skills. Events include:

  • Men's and Women's Open Singles and Doubles, and Open Mixed Doubles
    • These events are open to anyone from the club or anyone outside.  As well as available to all ages and skill levels.
    • These events gain the most points in the NL Open Series
  • Men's and Women's 3.0 Singles
    • These events are aimed at newcomers to tennis and those with limited experience or skills.
    • These events are restricted to 19+
    • You can see what a 3.0 player looks like on our Self Rating page
    • These events gain points in the NL Open Series
  • Men's and Women's over 45 Singles
    • These events are aimed at older folks who would like some competition without having to play young'ins or juniors
    • Players in these events can have any skill level
    • These events gain points in the NL Open Series
  • Parent and Child Doubles
    • This is a fun event aimed at parents and kids who may want to play a fun match in the tournament.
    • There are two age categories:
      • Parent and Child 13 and under
      • Parent and Child 14 - 19

If you have any questions about the available events, reach out to Thomas to discuss.

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