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Pre-Season Closed (2022)

This will be a fun team tournament that will take place in the weekend leading up to the season.  This will be open to members of the club only.  A BBQ will be included.

This tournament will be primarily a doubles tournament, but there may be some singles play.

Players will signup as an individual, and placed on a team in an effort to balance all of the teams.  Teams will play matchups against other teams, in primarily doubles matches to determine the winning team.  There will be a number of rounds of play.  The hope is to conclude the tournament and BBQ during a Saturday afternoon.


  • Best 2 of 3 sets to 6 games.
  • No-ad
  • 7 point tiebreak at 6-6
  • 3rd set is a 10 point match tiebreak
  • Which ever team wins the most matchups wins the tournament.
  • If tied 4 - 4, a tiebreak match will be held which will be a super tiebreak (12 points) for a doubles matchup that hasn’t played together yet.  The matchup is decided by the team that won the last match that finished the previous round.

Teams and Schedule

  Team 1 Team 2
1 Matthew Jerry
2 Gary Neil
3 Dennis Micah
4 Kody Sam
5 Darroch Richard
6 Isaac Reanna
7 Jacinta Jackie


Time Matchups
10:30 am 1/2            
Matthew / Gary vs Jerry / Neil
Dennis / Kody vs Micah / Sam
Darroch / Isaac vs Richard / Reanna
Jacinta vs Jackie        
11:30 am Break and Snacks
12:00 pm 2/4            
Gary / Kody vs Neil / Sam
Dennis / Darroch vs Micah / Richard
Isaac / Jacinta vs Reanna / Jackie
Matthew vs Jerry        
1:00 pm Tiebreak Match if Necessary


Congrats to Team 1:   Matthew, Gary, Dennis, Kody, Darroch, Isaac and Jacinta on their victory!

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