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Summer Doubles Leagues (2024)

Summer Adult Doubles League

League Summary

  • Doubles league for the 2024 summer season
  • Runs from July 2 - August 27, 2024 (Tuesday) or September 12, 2024 (Thursday)
  • League Coordinator: Thomas Hawkins

League Features

  • Tuesday Format:
    • Players earn points as individuals.
    • Each week, between 4 and 12 players will play to earn points.
    • Top four point getters will form teams during the last week to determine the league champion
  • Thursday Format:
    • 4 fixed teams in two separate round robin leagues.
    • Players will play a double round robin (6 weeks) and then play 2 playoff weeks.
  • Guided? - No
  • Scheduled Time? - Tuesdays 8 - 10, Thursdays from 8 - 10.

League Results and Schedule

League Results and Format Information


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